Eight important features of sandwich panels
The purpose of this article is to investigate the important and practical features of sandwich panels.
The sandwich panel is a modern and efficient prefabricated product that has attracted the attention of structural engineers in the new era due to its improvements.
Features such as light weight, strength and longevity are the things that have made it superior to old materials and created a bigger place in this field of construction.
1. Thermal insulation
one of the important characteristics of prefabricated materials is the high ability it shows against heat. In fact, it has a low conductivity coefficient against temperature.
This characteristic feature has made the structure very efficient. The ingredients of this prefabricated product also have a different expansion coefficient and lead to changes in other parts of the sandwich panel against temperature changes.

2. The effect of humidity
if there are temperature changes, the air pressure continuously enters the structure, as a result, it causes the production of water vapor and as a result, condensation occurs.
The structure of these structures is designed in such a way that it causes the moisture created to disappear.
3. Soundproof property
In the old days, traditional materials had a heavy texture for covering, and the higher the amount of concrete and brick, the better the sound insulation. But these old materials occupied a lot of mass and volume. It was very expensive. The old prefabricated walls were a suitable covering for partitioning, but they were not suitable as sound insulation. With progress, new materials and structures entered the market and created a new product that had a light and thin structure and a very covering It was suitable for the direction of sound. This feature has made it very impressive compared to the rest of the structures and it is widely used.

4. Basic design
sandwich panel is a new structure that is widely used today and is considered one of the new materials. One of the important features of prefabricated structures is that they are produced in various designs with different colors and thicknesses. be made
These characteristics have made the structure very flexible and have many uses. If we want to mention one of these cases, it is in the production and construction of windows and doors, which can cause many problems if not installed and implemented correctly. creates and causes problems for the system if the installation is done correctly. The design and use of panels gives a special beauty to the building.

5. Suitable system
It is obvious that nowadays sandwich panels are widely used in the construction of structures. In order to use these structures, a special combination is needed in the system. This strength requires the observance of two basic points for the work, which makes the structure strong and powerful, creating an efficient implementation and installation system. If the connections are weak, it will cause damage and create problems. The sandwich panel embedded in the system cannot function properly and has limitations.
6. Structure of the panels
The overall structure of the sandwich panel is 3 coherent layers, the upper and lower layers are coated with galvanized, aluzinc, or aluminum, and the middle layer is limited to insulating foam, which is made of polyurethane, polystyrene, or Sometimes it is stone wool or glass wool.
An important factor that connects these three layers is glue and it is used to connect the prefabricated structure. This modern structure has many features, it is completely waterproof and has a low conductivity coefficient for high and low temperatures. It is completely resistant to cold and heat in Briar. Insulating foam has a special property that prevents the growth and accumulation of microbes, vermin and all kinds of molds.
The adhesives used in panel making are made of synthetic resins, thermosets or thermal plastics. This glue has high quality and resistance and is very stable against differential forces and is therefore useful.

7. Appropriate insulation
Insulation is the most important feature of sandwich panels, which is very practical. All the items used in making sandwich panels have been evaluated by research organizations. Insulation is an item that is very important and in the system. Sandwich panel is of interest. Panels expand and contract with cold and hot temperature changes.
Panels with thin connections can easily withstand 50% pressure. The structures should be produced with the desired density according to the customer’s needs and application, not too compact to break apart at low temperature, and not in High temperature that hangs and is completely resistant to high pressure or sunlight, and humidity and heat have no effect on it.
8. Quality control
One of the issues that is important in the production of panels is to check the quality control. The cohesion of the 3 layers is very important. Although moisture is not dangerous, it has a great impact on the strength of the structure due to its appearance and durability. The prefabricated structure is resistant to air and moisture and does not cause erosion of the sandwich panel and is highly durable. The production method of this durable prefabricated structure is of particular importance because the smallest item causes the creation of a substandard panel and loses its quality and damages the structure. Therefore, quality control is one of the important issues that must be considered did.
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